Creative Code

string4(reference counting사용) 본문

C++ Programming

string4(reference counting사용)

빛하루 2023. 9. 5. 11:51


#include <iostream>

#include "string.h"

int main() {

	String s1;

	String s2 = "hello, world";     // String s2("hello,world");

	//String s2 = 0;						// NULL

	String s3 = s2;                 // String s3(s2);

	s1 = s2;


	String s4 = " IoT";

	s1 = s2 + s4;

	s1 = "hello, ";                 //String tmp("hello, ");


	if (s1 == s2) std::cout << "s1 and s2 are equal" << std::endl;

	else std::cout << "s1 and s2 are not equal" << std::endl;


	s4+= s4;

	s1 != s2;

	std::cout << "s1 : " << s1.c_str() << std::endl;

	std::cout << "s2 : " << s2.c_str() << std::endl;

	std::cout << "s2 len : " << s2.size() << std::endl;


	std::cout << "s3 : " << s3 <<std::endl;


	const String s5 = "hello";

	//s5 = "world";

	std::cout << "s5 len : " << s5.size() << std::endl;

	return 0;



#ifndef STRING_H

#define STRING_H

#include <iostream>

#include "stringRep.h"

class String {

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const String& rhs);


	//char *str;

	//int len;

	//void init_str(const char *str); // tool function, helper function(다른 멤버함수들에 의해서만 사용되는 함수)

	StringRep *rep_;


	String(const char *str=0);

	String(const String& str);



	String& operator=(const String& rhs);

	String& operator=(const char* str);


	String& operator+=(const String& rhs);

	bool operator!=(const String& rhs) const;

	bool operator==(const String& rhs) const;           // const member function (객체에 대해서 read only)

	const String operator+(const String& rhs) const;

	const char* c_str() const;

	const int size() const;





#include "string.h"

#include <cassert>

#include <cstring>

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const String& rhs) {

	//out << rhs.rep_->str_;

	return out << rhs.c_str();


String::String(const char *str) {

	rep_ = new StringRep(str);

	rep_ ->rc_ = 1;


String::String(const String& rhs) {

	rep_ = rhs.rep_;



String::~String() {


	if (rep_->rc_ == 0) {

		delete rep_;



const char *String::c_str() const{

	return rep_->str_;


const int String::size() const {

	return rep_->len_;


String& String::operator=(const String& rhs) {

	if (this != &rhs) {   		//self-assignment test!


		if (rep_->rc_ == 0) {

			delete rep_;


		rep_ = rhs.rep_;

		++rep_ ->rc_;


	return *this;


String& String::operator=(const char *str) {

	--rep_ ->rc_;

	if (rep_->rc_ == 0) {

		delete rep_;


	rep_ = new StringRep(str);

	rep_ ->rc_ = 1;

	return *this;


bool String::operator==(const String& rhs) const{

	return (strcmp(rep_->str_,rhs.rep_->str_)==0);


const String String::operator+(const String& rhs) const {

	char *buf = new char[rep_->len_ + rhs.rep_->len_+1];




	String result(buf);

	delete[] buf;

	return result;


String& String::operator+=(const String& rhs) {

	*this = *this + rhs;

	return *this;


bool String::operator!=(const String& rhs) const{

	return !this->operator==(rhs);





class StringRep{

friend class String;


	char *str_;

	int len_;

	int rc_;

	StringRep(const StringRep& rhs);

	StringRep& operator=(const StringRep& rhs);


	StringRep(const char* str = 0);





#include <cassert>

#include <cstring>

#include "stringRep.h"

StringRep::StringRep(const char *str) {

	if (str) {

		str_ = new char[strlen(str)+1];

		assert(str_ );

		strcpy(str_, str);

		len_ = strlen(str);

	} else {

		str_ = new char[1];


		str_[0] = '\0';

		len_ = 0;



StringRep::~StringRep() {

	delete[] str_;


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