Creative Code

complex6(inline함수, namespace) 본문

C++ Programming

complex6(inline함수, namespace)

빛하루 2023. 9. 11. 11:37


#include <iostream>

#include "complex.h"

using iot::Complex;

int main() {

	iot::Complex c1(3.0,4.0);

	Complex c2(3.0);    

	Complex c3;

	const Complex c4 = c1;


	c2 = c1;




	std::cout << "c1 : (" << c1.real() << ", " <<c1.imag() << "i)" << std::endl;


	c3 = c1 + c2;

	c3 = c1 - c2;


	c1 += c2;

	c1 -= c2;







	if (c1 == c2) {

		std::cout << "c1 and c2 are equal" << std::endl;

	} else {

		std::cout << "c1 and c2 are not equal" << std::endl;



	c1 != c2;


	std::cin >> c3;


	std::cout << "c1 : " << c1 << std::endl;

	std::cout << "c2 : " << c2 << std::endl;

	std::cout << "c3 : " << c3 << std::endl;

	std::cout << "c4 : " << c4 << std::endl;



	return 0;



#ifndef COMPLEX_H

#define COMPLEX_H

#include <iostream>

namespace iot{

class Complex {

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Complex& rhs);

friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Complex &rhs);


	double re_;

	double im_;



	Complex(double re = 0.0 , double im = 0.0);


	double real() const;

	double imag() const;

	void real(double re);

	void imag(double im);


	const Complex operator+(const Complex &rhs) const;

	const Complex operator-(const Complex &rhs) const;


	Complex& operator+=(const Complex &rhs);

	Complex& operator-=(const Complex &rhs);


	bool operator==(const Complex &rhs) const;

	bool operator!=(const Complex &rhs) const;

	bool operator>(const Complex &rhs) const;

	bool operator<(const Complex &rhs) const;

	bool operator>=(const Complex & rhs) const;

	bool operator<=(const Complex & rhs) const;



inline Complex::Complex(double re, double im) 




inline double Complex::real() const {

	return re_;


inline double Complex::imag() const {

	return im_;


inline void Complex::real(double re) {

	re_ = re;


inline void Complex::imag(double im) {

	im_ = im;





#include "complex.h"

namespace iot{

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,const Complex& rhs) {

	out << "(" << rhs.re_ << ", "<<rhs.im_ << "i)";

	return out;


std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in,  Complex& rhs) {

	double re = 0.0, im = 0.0;

	char c = 0;

	in >>c;

	if (c == '(') {


		if (c == ',') in >> im>>c;

		if (c == 'i') in >>c;

		if (c != ')') in.clear(std::ios::failbit);

	}else {




	if (in )

		rhs = Complex(re,im);

	return in;


const Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& rhs) const{

	Complex result(re_ + rhs.re_, im_+rhs.im_);

	return result;


const Complex Complex::operator-(const Complex& rhs) const {

	Complex result(re_ - rhs.re_, im_ - rhs.im_);

	return result;


Complex& Complex::operator+=(const Complex& rhs) {

	return *this = *this+rhs;


Complex& Complex::operator-=(const Complex& rhs) {

	return *this = *this - rhs;


bool Complex::operator==(const Complex &rhs) const{

	return (re_ == rhs.re_ && im_ ==rhs.im_);


bool Complex::operator!=(const Complex &rhs) const{

	return !(*this == rhs);


bool Complex::operator>(const Complex& rhs) const {

	return re_ * re_ + im_ * im_ > rhs.re_ * rhs.re_ + rhs.im_ * rhs.im_;


bool Complex::operator<(const Complex& rhs) const {

	return re_ * re_ + im_ * im_ < rhs.re_ * rhs.re_ + rhs.im_ * rhs.im_;


bool Complex::operator>=(const Complex& rhs) const {

	return !(*this < rhs);


bool Complex::operator<=(const Complex& rhs) const {

	return !(*this >rhs);




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