Creative Code

Lunar-(3)로그인 회원가입 상세 조건 추가 본문


Lunar-(3)로그인 회원가입 상세 조건 추가

빛하루 2023. 12. 5. 23:35

회원가입 상세조건 추가

1. Nickname : 유저가 사용할 아이디 (데이터 베이스 내에 있는 다른 유저아이디와 비교해 중복확인 기능)

2. password : 알파벳과 숫자로 조합된 8~16자리 문자열만 사용가능

3. password confirm : password에 입력한 문자열과 똑같아야 함

4. your name : 유저의 실제 이름을 입력(최소 2글자 ~ 20글자 입력가능)

5. your email address : 올바른 형식의 이메일 형태만 입력가능 ('@'가 반드시포함되어야함)

6.birth year : 유저가 태어난 연도 선택 (1960년 ~ 2023년)

7.birth month : 유저가 태어난 월 선택(1~12월)

8.birth day : 유저가 태어난 일 선택 (1~31일)

9. sign up : 잘못입력했지만 가입이 되는 걸 방지하기위해 위에서 입력한 값들이 유효한지 실시간으로 검사한뒤 서버에 유저 정보 저장


내일부터.. 홈화면 편집..!


※코드 :

"""The authentication state."""
import reflex as rx
from sqlmodel import select
from .base import State, User
import re

class AuthState(State):
    """The authentication state for sign up and login page."""

    year : list[str] = ['1960','1961','1962','1963','1964','1965','1966','1967','1968','1969','1970',
    month : list[str] = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12']
    day : list[str] = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20',

    user_realname : str
    username: str
    password: str
    user_birthday_year : str
    user_birthday_month : str
    user_birthday_day : str
    confirm_password: str
    user_birthday_year_valid:bool = False
    user_birthday_month_valid:bool = False
    user_birthday_day_valid:bool = False

    # 설정한 회원가입정보 입력값이 유효한지 실시간으로 확인하는 함수
    def time_valid_user_password(self)->bool:
        return self.user_password_valid
    def time_valid_user_realname(self)->bool:
        return self.user_realname_valid
    def time_valid_confirm_password(self)->bool:
        if (self.confirm_password != self.password) or self.confirm_password=='':
        return (self.confirm_password != self.password) or self.confirm_password==''
    def time_valid_email_address(self)->bool:
        if '@' not in self.user_email_address:
            self.user_email_address_valid = False
        else :
            self.user_email_address_valid = True
        return '@' not in self.user_email_address
    def time_valid_user_birthday_year(self)->bool:
        if self.user_birthday_year == '':
            self.user_birthday_year_valid = False
        else :
            self.user_birthday_year_valid = True
        return self.user_birthday_year==''
    def time_valid_user_birthday_month(self)->bool:
        if self.user_birthday_month == '':
            self.user_birthday_month_valid = False
        else :
            self.user_birthday_month_valid = True
        return self.user_birthday_month==''
    def time_valid_user_birthday_day(self)->bool:
        if self.user_birthday_day == '':
            self.user_birthday_day_valid = False
        else :
            self.user_birthday_day_valid = True
        return self.user_birthday_day==''
    # 유저의 실제 이름 입력값이 유효한지 실시간으로 확인하는 함수
    def time_valid_username(self)->bool:
        if len(self.user_realname) >=2 and len(self.user_realname)<=20:
        else :
        return len(self.user_realname)>20 or len(self.user_realname)<2
    # 유저가 입력한 비밀번호가 유효한지 실시간으로 확인하는 함수
    def time_valid_password(self)->bool:
        pattern = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{8,16}$')
        if bool(pattern.match(self.password)) == True:
        return not bool(pattern.match(self.password))
    # 설정한 아이디가 유효한 값인지 확인하는 함수
    def is_valid_string(self,text):
        pattern = re.compile("^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$")
        return bool(pattern.match(text))

    # 아이디 중복체크를 하는 함수
    def id_check(self):
        if len(self.username) < 6 :
            return rx.window_alert('The Nickname must contain at least 6 characters.')
        if self.username.islower() == False:
            return rx.window_alert('The Nickname must be composed of lowercase letters or a combination of lowercase letters and numbers.')
        if self.username.isalnum() == False:
            return rx.window_alert('Special characters and spaces cannot be included.')
        if self.is_valid_string(self.username) == False:
            return rx.window_alert('Characters other than alphabets and numbers cannot be entered.')
        with rx.session() as session:
            if session.exec(select(User).where(User.username == self.username)).first():
                return rx.window_alert('User nickname already exists.')
            else :
                return rx.window_alert('Username is available.')

    def signup(self):
        if (self.user_password_valid == True) and (self.user_confirm_password_valid == True) and (self.user_realname_valid==True) and (self.user_email_address_valid == True) and (self.user_birthday_year_valid == True) and (self.user_birthday_month_valid==True) and (self.user_birthday_day_valid == True):
            with rx.session() as session:
                if session.exec(select(User).where(User.username == self.username)).first():
                    return rx.window_alert('The ID that already exists. Please check ID duplicates first.')
                self.user = User(
                    user_email = self.user_email_address,
                    user_birthday_year = self.user_birthday_year,
                    user_birthday_month = self.user_birthday_month,
                    user_birthday_day= self.user_birthday_day
                session.expire_on_commit = False
                return rx.redirect("/")
        else :
            return rx.window_alert('Please enter the information accurately')

    def login(self):
        """Log in a user."""
        with rx.session() as session:
            user = session.exec(
                select(User).where(User.username == self.username)
            if user and user.password == self.password:
                self.user = user
                return rx.redirect("/")
                return rx.window_alert("Invalid username or password.")

